Assessing 9/11

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More than a decade after al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks on US soil, it becomes easier to reflect on what this event has meant for global politics.

EU counterterrorism strategy: value added or chimera?

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Europe did not wake up to terrorism on 9/11; terrorism is solidly entrenched in Europe’s past. The 9/11 attacks undoubtedly brought the EU into uncharted territory, boosting existing cooperation and furthering political integration – in particular in the field of justice and home affairs – to a degree few would have imagined some years earlier.

Rik Coolsaet (International Affairs)

In memoriam Pierre Harmel (1911-2009)

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On 11 March 2009 Pierre Harmel passed away. His tenure as Belgian foreign minister (1966-1973) coincided with the burgeoning East-West detente, in which he himself took no small part. Replying to those who linked him with a ‘doctrine’, he invariably responded: ‘Je ne suis pas l’homme d’une doctrine. Je suis l’homme d’une politique’.

Rik Coolsaet

Atlantic loyalty, European autonomy. Belgium and the Atlantic Alliance, 1949-2009

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From the ashes of World War 2 Belgium emerged as a convinced supporter of Western European defence arrangements under British leadership. Only in 1947 did Belgium discover a privileged partner in the United States. When the Cold War ended, Belgium returned to its roots, trying to combine European primacy and autonomy with Atlantic loyalty.

Rik Coolsaet (Egmont Paper)

Interdependence Day

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Na 11 september 2001 besloot een groep academici, politieke leiders en kunstenaars om 12 september, ‘the day after’, uit te roepen tot Interdependence Day. Inspirator van de groep is de Amerikaanse schrijver en Benjamin Barber, bekend van zijn boek “Jihad vs McWorld”. De groep draagt een optimistische boodschap uit van ‘lotsverbondenheid’.

Kurt Van Eeghem (Klara)